Soul Signs of Longevity: Marriage is a Zoo

We always hear marriage is tough. But ever think you’d be married to a Bullfrog or a Salamander?

Here is the synopsis of a Golden Wedding Anniversary Soul Sign Reading I did for one husband and wife team who—warts and all—defied the odds and endured five decades of evolving together through love, life and marriage. Read on to find out the Soul Sign wisdom of 50 years and the symbols that represented each of them in every decade of their relationship.


Husband: Coyote/Wolf

Wife: Goat

The Soul Sign wisdom here reveals the great attraction of predator and prey, and that within a relationship, we can be consumed by one another or we can learn great respect through restraint. At any point we can use our powers for destruction, but when used co-creatively, we transcend the old roles and into something new. The symbols show a coming together of the Divine Masculine and Feminine. The opposites show complementarity.

Goat also symbolizes some form of sacrifice—a choice has been made and something has been given up or away, but there is also stability in that decision. The Goat is not just easy prey—it made the decision to be domesticated, and that is part of its gift. Making the transition from Coyote to Wolf translates for the husband his masculine energy growing into maturity. He is going from bachelor (Coyote is a known trickster) to husband and father.


Husband: Great Hook

Wife: Mushroom Cloud

At the beginning of the second decade of marriage, these symbols represent that there is a lot of intense work going on. The Symbolic realm opens up to our dreams and what a couple is co-creating together. Both partners in this couple ascended into the Symbolic during this phase—guided by their dreams and the beginnings of their manifestation. This is the decade they had children, which required adjustment to accommodate the expansion.

The Great Hook symbolizes the power of going after what you want—learning to play a role in a larger structure and making strategic connections to maneuver toward your dreams and  ambitions. There is also a Saturnian quality to this energy, which is likely connected to stepping further into fatherhood during this decade and learning the ropes of becoming a father figure, disciplinarian, protector, and provider for the family.

The explosive nature of the Mushroom Cloud always symbolizes big expansion, high emotion, or explosive creativity. In this case, the symbolism was pretty straightforward—at this time, the wife, now mother of two, was at the center of running a busy nuclear family.


Husband: Racehorse

Wife: Salamander

While residing in different realms, the Racehorse and Salamander both strongly represent the element of Fire. The Racehorse represents a fast pace, many different projects or demands, running the race, separating from the pack, working hard, reaching the winner’s circle, and achieving success. Salamander symbolizes transformation, potency, skin, influence, and Fire—the qualities of letting go through burning away what no longer serves. Salamander’s association to changing of “skin” strongly connected that during this decade, the family relocated to a new state and their children moved away from home and began pursuing their own lives, which marked a major life transition point.


Husband: Bullfrog

Wife: Firebird

Moving from Racehorse to Bullfrog provides the lessons of learning not to have to run so fast, staying still, attracting instead of chasing, owning more of one’s time as power, more observing, and less doing. Another fiery sign, Firebird reveals passion, imagination, freedom, fantasy, and exploring.

It’s interesting to note that during the preceding decade, the husband was in a fast-moving sign, where the wife remained more grounded. In 2001, the couple switches to where the Bullfrog brings in more stability and grounded energy, while the Salamander’s Fire is given the opportunity to “fly”.


Husband: Owl

Wife: Hyena

Starting their fourth decade of marriage, the couple ascends to predatory status. The Owl, long associated with wisdom, teaching and leadership, guides the husband to ascend to pinnacle points in his career. Hyena as a predator represents dominance and leadership, but it also has a softer side in that Hyena provides a refuge of nurturing, caring, and support to those around them. Now confident in their roles, knowledge, and environment, the couple shares an energetic frequency of feeling a sense of “mastery” over their respective domains. In relationship to one another, there is great mutual respect for the contributions each other has made in building their life together.


Husband: Crocodile

Wife: Elephant

Now celebrating their 50th anniversary, our couple’s Soul Signs reveal a more reserved, wise, and calm outlook toward the future. Crocodile, while ferocious, is threatened by very little. It handles threats gracefully in the water (emotion) and conserves its energy for vicious and deadly, but singular, attacks. In other words, it now clearly knows what it wants and will go after it at the right moment, preserving its energy and resources along the way. Elephant represents the epitome of the matriarch—wise, strong, independent, and inclined to traverse open spaces, spreading her wisdom and grace wherever she goes.

In these two Soul Sign phases, the couple is able to support one another with their own unique, but supremely valid, perspectives on life. They are each able to see into environments that the other might not be aware of and keep an eye out for one another. The Crocodile is keen to raise awareness on the emotional plane, and the Elephant is prepared to do so on the material one. It’s a great opportunity to seek balance in each other’s respective sphere of wisdom and ensure that their goals for the remainder of their lives together are foreseen with loving cooperation.

As we traversed this couple's Soul Sign journey across five decades, we saw a beautiful evolution from the primal dance of predator and prey to the wise partnership of Crocodile and Elephant. Their symbols reveal how marriage transforms both partners through various elemental phases—from Fire to Water, from running to stillness, from expansion to mastery. What began as a union of opposites in Coyote/Wolf and Goat has matured into a complementary partnership where each brings their unique wisdom to their shared path. Their Soul Signs tell a story of growth, mutual respect, and the delicate balance of maintaining individual identity while building a life together. After 50 years, their symbols suggest they've achieved what many couples strive for: a relationship where each partner's strength supports the other's journey, creating a union that's both grounded and spiritually enriched.

Kirem Marnett, MAOM is the founder of Peach & Crane and the originator of Soul Signs. Know a couple celebrating a milestone anniversary and looking for the perfect gift? Want to find out your own Soul Signs? Click here to learn more.